Medical Staff Featured Séverine Vermeire, MD, PhDGastroenterology Marc Ferrante, MD, PhDGastroenterology João Sabino, MD, PhD Gastroenterology Bram Verstockt MD, PhD Gastroenterology Ilse Hoffman, MD, PhDPediatric gastroenterology Karen van Hoeve, MD, PhdPaediatric Gastroenterology Andre D’Hoore, MD, PhDAbdominal surgery Gabriele Bislenghi, MDAbdominal surgery Albert Wolthuis, MD, PhDAbdominal surgery Dirk Vanbeckevoort, MDAbdominal imaging Ragna Vanslembrouck, MDAbdominal imaging Didier Bielen, MD, PhDAbdominal imaging Gert De Hertogh, MD, PhD Pathology Christophe Claessens, MDGastroenterology and hepatology, part-time consultant Stefan Delen, MDGastroenterology and hepatology, part-time consultant Evelien Humblet, MDGastroenterology and hepatology, part-time consultant Clara Thienpont, MDGastroenterology and hepatology, part-time consultant Wouter Van Moerkercke, MDGastroenterology and hepatology, part-time consultant Barbara Willandt, MDGastroenterology and hepatology, part-time consultant Nele Schoofs, MDGastroenterology and hepatology, part-time consultant Julie Busschaert, MDGastroenterology and hepatology, part-time consultant Lara Crapé, MDGastroenterology and hepatology, part-time consultant Annelies Posen, MDConsultant Nikkie Schils, MDConsultant