IBD Nurses
Our team consists of 5 motivated nurse consultants, all specialized in guiding and supporting patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Anyone who contacted our IBD nurses knows how invaluable they are and how much they add to the quality of care provided.
We are the first point of contact for the patient, his/her family and for internal and external healthcare providers. It is our task to always provide an answer to all your questions, doubts and concerns about the course of the disease, the examinations and the various treatments. This can be done via a personal contact at the consultation or at the infusion unit, but also remotely by e-mail and telephone. If necessary, we will refer you to one of the IBD specialists or other paramedics.
You can contact us for:
an increase in symptoms and/or recurrence of the disease
making appointments
prescriptions and certificates for the therapy
advice about pregnancy
information about vaccinations
questions about travel
questions about sexuality
need for emotional support
a referral to a dietician, psychologist or other discipline (abdominal surgery, dermatology, rheumatology,…)
Be sure to ask for our information brochures. We can be reached by mail at IBDnurse@uzleuven.be or by phone: 016/34 06 21 every working day between 10:00 and 12:00.
Ariane, Els, Elien, Patricia en Tessy